I often relate my life to being in a boxing ring. My opponents are different and fight a bit differently. Most of the time it's mother nature I am fighting against, sometimes its family and friends and, of course, the boat. It seems as though as much as you try to do what you want to do, something will punch you back. Sometimes that punch can be a pretty darn good blow. There are victories and then some of us get a TKO (technical knock out). With that being said, just under two years ago, we met a boat named Red thread who was also traveling by boat with two girls the same ages as our kids. Under rare circumstances, a friendship between the parents matched the bond between the children. We sailed off the forbidden shores of Columbia together, caught many fish and have some stories to tell. Then in September 07 we parted ways as their cruising schedule was different than ours. They transited the canal and told us all the details, sailed to the Galapagos, Easter islands and rode the roaring 40's back over to Chili. We finally made it out to the French Polynesian. Our reunion was to take place in Tahiti in 08'. Our friends took a "TKO" in Chili, in a storm with winds up to 90 knots which broke both their anchors loose and to make a long story short, landed them on the rocks. It's not what everyone thinks it is out here! There is the really good but then it can get really bad just as quick. All we knew is that we
were so far away from friends who need us.
On a happy note, I am happy to say, Yesterday we bridge the gap and proved that even though we have lost a fight we can pick back up get ready for the next match. We are stronger this time. We hope to be on a winning streak but if not we are ready to give it all we've got.
As Red Thread circled the boat, shouts, tears, waves, kids jumping and emotions were at a high. Not even minutes later a 2 year gap was closed as though it never existed.
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