Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hotel Malolo

Seems as though once you check can't check out. We keep coming back to relax at anchor in Musket Cove, Malolo lailai island. It's a great place to catch up on boat chores, play in the pool and recover from a cold. For the past two weeks we all have been battling some kind of fever, sniffles, body aches and everything that goes with being sick. I like to keep repeating how cruddy I feel just so Paul won't forget I am sick and ask me to help him do something, LOL. No future plans to move on yet. We decided to wait a few extra weeks to let the rainy Vanuatu season to calm so we will have a better experience. Not sure if I mentioned on the blog but we have decided to head back to New Zealand this coming cyclone season. For many reasons, we feel it's the right thing to do. We have already booked our old slip in Whangarei and planning our next road trip. We feel the best way to experience NZ is by land. They are SOOOOO well set up for campers, camper vans, and backpackers/trekkers!!! Fiji, on the other hand, has been on of our favorite stops. Happy we didn't skip Fiji because of the things we read in the news. Funny how peoples words and comments can alter your course but when you make your own decisions you are rewarded. We quickly learned that some places that people trashed were some of our favorite spots.

All is well aboard Free Spirit.


  1. We felt the same way about places we did or didn't visit and what people had told us about those places until we realized that one of the people we had been getting info from had a large dog and everything they had done on their boat was based on needing to take the dog to land 2 times a day, whereas we love anchoring in the lee of a reef with land quite a ways off. No matter, we miss you and you are always welcome in Idaho!!!

  2. So glad you will have a home base for awhile. When I watched the Bachelor, I thought for sure I would see you running in the background trying to get on tv! I know how much you love New Zealand and it will be nice to have some consistent contact with you. Hope you are feeling better... Love you and miss you tons!
